About Us
I made my very first headbands at my kitchen table when I was pregnant with our youngest daughter. She had not been born yet, and I was so excited to put together the colors and imagine how they would look. I wondered if she would have dark hair, like the boys, or be a blonde like her big sister. I felt accomplished, proud even, and I wanted to make more.
So I did.
For me, it is about creating something that will become a part of someone's memories, no matter how small that memory may be. For the little girl that will grow up and remember her favorite bow and the way the ribbon felt underneath her tiny fingers. For the mother that will pack away her son's first birthday outfit to give back to him when he becomes a father one day. For the young woman that surprises her best friend with a maternity sash to celebrate her first child. Newborn pictures, birthday pictures, prom pictures, family pictures. Each of my designs is a celebration of family, of love, and of memories.
Today, I am a mother to 3 awesome kids that continue to inspire my creativity. I have designed & handcrafted each item in my store & truly love what I do. Many of my products are vintage/rustic themed but please reach out to me if you would like something custom made.